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How to maintain and change wheelchair brake parts?

Wheelchair brakes hold the wheelchair stationary and keep its user safe. They ensure the wheelchair does not move unintentionally during a bus or train ride. For brakes to work properly, it is necessary to adjust them accordingly and keep to a maintenance schedule.

How do the wheelchair brakes work?

The way the wheelchair brakes work depends on their type.

Push-to-lock brakes

Push-to-lock brakes, known also as push/pull locks, are the most common type of brake used in manual wheelchairs. They work by a lever that is pulled or pushed to move a bar, which is then pressed against the tire and keeps it stationary.

Scissor brakes

Scissor brakes are designed to lock into place when the wheelchair user is stationary. They are attached to the frame of the wheelchair, with a bar that holds the brake against the wheel. Once the brake is removed, it stays clear of the tire. That way the user’s fingers are nowhere near the break when the wheelchair is moving. Scissor brakes were created for more active wheelchair users who use the tire and push ream to move forward.

Wheel hub brakes

Wheel hub brakes have a concealed lever that locks the wheel via the wheel hub instead of the tire. They are a perfect choice for people with less strength and limited reach.

Disc brakes

Disc brakes allow the wheelchair users to descend hills and lock wheels with just a slight touch. They can be applied independently, which means one wheel can be locked while the other still turns. This function helps with navigation and turning of a wheelchair.


E-brakes lock both wheels simultaneously. They are activated with a switch, so they can be comfortably used by all wheelchair users.

Maintenance and replacement of wheelchair brake parts

In order to ensure the continuity of operation and safety of the user, the wheelchair brake parts need to be properly maintained and replaced if needed. It requires frequent brake inspection, which should consist of:

  • checking if the brakes are tightly secured to the frame and all their parts are in their place,
  • applying the lock and making sure it holds the tire firmly,
  • ensuring none of the brake parts interferes with the tire while rolling.

It is necessary to adjust loose brake parts or change them if they do not work properly. All adjustments should be made with the use of proper tools, such as open-box wrench and Allen wrench, depending on the part.

How often is it necessary to change wheelchair brakes?

Wheelchair brakes should be changed when they:

  • cannot be easily and effectively secured,
  • do not unlock when needed,
  • get stuck in a position wherein the user’s thumb may be caught when they are self-propelling.

Typically, wheelchair brakes should be replaced after four years of usage.

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What are the most often changed wheelchair brake parts?

The most often changed wheelchair brake parts are:

  • brake handles,
  • brake line adjusting screws,
  • brake clamps,
  • cable holders,
  • cable clamps.

Is it possible to change wheelchair brake parts by yourself?

Wheelchair brake parts may be changed at home. The user, however, should first consider their abilities and comfort levels with the presented task. In case of a doubt, the user can find a suitable ‘how to’ manual on the internet. Before starting the work, it is crucial to make sure the instructions for changing the brakes are suited for the model of a wheelchair at hand. If the user feels unsure about how to replace wheelchair brake parts, it is best to seek professional help.